This series shows through a simple and ordinary chair a parable on life: the possibility we have as human beings to remain still in a place or to choose different situations involving movement, different positions and color.
My subject matter represents the place the viewer can take depending on his mood and/or his encounter with life: from a still and observed place to an energetic and adventurous one.
Along this series, two important features are used: extrusive time and different positions of the chair. The first image is still and looking at the camera and as the series progresses the chair begins to change of position but also to move progressively, ending upwards and with a lot of movement. Saturated colors, contrast of hue and volatile plasticity are included in order to create a vigorous energy.
Copyright 2020 by Guylaine Couttolenc
Moods of life series, 2012
(click on any of these images to see larger thumbnails)